Sunflower’s goal is to establish an interconnected rail-trail system in the Sunflower State. Toward this end, Sunflower railbanks/conserves out-of-service rail lines and then finds local volunteer project coordinators to recruit volunteers to build the trails. To date we have had two successes: the 6.5-mile Southwind Rail Rail between Iola and Humboldt and the 2.2-mile Lehigh Portland Rail Trail in south Iola. We have a total of seven trails totaling 163 miles. We also find railbanking opportunities and encourage local groups to railbank and develop these trails. In addition, the Conservancy serves as an information clearinghouse to provide general and technical information to trails activists. So, come participate in a fun and exciting venture which will create something tangible on a large scale. Invest a modest amount now which will yield benefits to you and others many-fold in the future. Gain satisfaction in enabling children to explore the outdoors for fun whereby they gain a lifelong interest in nature and exercise. You can make a difference today!


Consider volunteering as either a board member or a project coordinator. By volunteering you’ll:

  • Create something tangible on a large scale.
  • Participate in a fun and exciting venture.
  • Work and connect with others who share a common goal: creation of an interconnected rail-trail network in the Sunflower State.
  • Gain a sense of achievement and purpose.
  • Invest a modest amount of time now which will yield benefits to and others many-fold in the future.
  • Gain satisfaction in enabling children to explore the outdoors for fun whereby they gain a lifelong interest in nature and exercise.
  • Enhance the quality of life of all Kansans.



Sunflower’s Board of Directors meets three times a year, usually in central Kansas such as Lindsborg and Manhattan. We are looking for people of all walks of life who have an interest in developing an inter-connected trail system in Kansas. A candidate should be willing to be an active director and to work up to 3-4 hours/month on SRTC activities and attend three meetings annually.



A project coordinator for one of our trail projects should be willing to: recruit and organize volunteers; be a public spokesperson for the trail; negotiate with suppliers such as quarries, trucking companies.


Sunflower Rails-Trails Conservancy, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization; therefore, all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Click HERE for a membership form, and join us today!

You may also make a donation.